
New IWPR Report Shines a Spotlight on Women’s Health and Safety Across the U.S.

New data released today by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR), as part of its Status of Women in the States: 2015 series, finds wide disparities across the states and among racial/ethnic groups when it comes to women’s health and safety.

In this latest report, released today, IWPR graded each state and the District of Columbia on Health & Well-Being and Reproductive Rights, and analyzed state and national data on Violence Against Women.  According to the report, the best ten states for women’s health are all in the Western, Northeastern, or Midwestern parts of the country, with Minnesota, Hawaii, and North Dakota receiving top marks on the Health & Well-Being index. Four of the bottom five states—Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, and Arkansas—on this index were in the South. Oregon received the highest score on the composite Reproductive Rights index.


The Women’s Funding Network is proud to be a national distribution partner for this series, whose findings will be showcase at our 2015 Annual Conference in October. The Status of Women in the States reports are being used to spur community and private investment in programs and policies that improve outcomes for women. The data can be used to raise awareness, improve policies, and promote women’s equality.


In the coming weeks, IWPR will release the final data in the series, examining political participation and work and family. All WFN members are invited to join the 15 members who have already signed up to co-release this IWPR series with sample press release and social media content. If interested, please contact Teresa Blumenstein.

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