
Our History Informs Our Future

Dear Colleagues,

Thirty years ago, WFN, (then known as the National network of Women’s Funds), was so alarmed by the organized far-right agenda that they felt the need to affirm their commitment to promote social and political justice across multiple issues: racism, sexism, classism, ableism, ageism, and homophobia.

We share the following artifact because it illustrates the deep roots of our belief that our liberation is bound to one other. It is also a bitter reminder of how slow progress for gender equity and justice has been for some countries like the United States.

How much further could we have been if feminist funds were deeply resourced since 1993?  We see what’s possible from the other side: from 2013 to 2017, major donor-advised funds, family foundations, and corporate charities poured over $9.1 million into anti-abortion groups in the US.

Now is the time. With historic investment in local women’s funds and their partners – we can fight for the change and win the future.  Join us.

In solidarity,
Elizabeth Barajas-Román
Women’s Funding Network 
President & CEO

Knowledge and Research Philanthropy

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Dashboard Design Cohort


WFN at Women Deliver 2023


The State of Birth Equity Webinar – July 24, 2023

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