
Building a Future Where Democracy Thrives

Dear Colleagues,

Vice President Kamala Harris’s U.S. presidential nomination holds significant symbolic and practical meaning for women and nonbinary people everywhere. As the first woman of South Asian and African American descent to be nominated for the U.S. presidency by a major party, her candidacy represents a landmark achievement in global gender and racial equity. 

However, we know one person cannot create change alone. That’s why many of you are working shoulder-to-shoulder with grassroots groups to ensure freedoms are protected or demanded from those in power. 

For example, our member, the Women’s Fund of Omaha was part of a successful collaborative effort to get paid sick leave on the November ballot. Another member in Nebraska working on democracy is I Be Black Girl, the state’s only reproductive justice organization. I Be Black Girl launched a campaign called Beyond the Booth this year, specifically focused on engaging disenfranchised voters in North Omaha, where many people of color live due the city’s long history of redlining and segregation.

Our role as feminists and philanthropists is crucial now more than ever. We must continue to support initiatives that empower women, safeguard democratic values, and promote equity. Your contributions are essential in driving forward the agenda for social justice and democracy.

Let’s remain committed to our shared goals and leverage our resources and influence to foster a world where gender equity and democratic integrity thrive.

Thank you for your unwavering dedication and support.

With you in joy and purpose,

Elizabeth Barajas-Román
Women’s Funding Network 
President & CEO

Letters from Elizabeth