
Using Data to Tell Our Stories

Dear Colleagues:  

Data matters. In every facet of our lives, we use data to tell a story about how far we’ve come, or how much further we want to progress. At the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR), data is our business. As a nonpartisan nonprofit, and leading national think tank, we build evidence to shape policies that grow women’s power and influence, close inequality gaps, and improve the lives and opportunities of women from diverse backgrounds. 

The research tells us that this is an unprecedented moment in the nation’s history—one that will define us for generations to come. The coming together of a global pandemic and economic crisis has revealed the fragility of our economy and health care system and the burden carried by women in society where both racism and sexism are deeply entrenched and embedded in most, if not all our institutions, systems, and structures. 

As the pandemic persists, so, too, does the gender wage gap.   

In 2021, women in the U.S. earned just 83.1 percent of what men earned. Wage gaps across gender, race, and ethnicity were profound, with the gap widening most for Black and Hispanic women. In the United States, the gender pay gap has closed only by 8 cents over the last few decades.  

At this rate, it will take over 135 years to close the gender gap globally. Is it 2157, yet? 

This is why we’ve come together in partnership with the Women’s Funding Network to launch The Gender Point. This first-of-its-kind initiative provides on-demand data reports that equip women’s funds and foundations with research to leverage and enhance policy and funding priorities. 

Women’s Funding Network members can login here to fill out a rapid research report request form.

This partnership is just the beginning of our deep dive into making the case for investments in women’s funds, who move money faster than traditional philanthropic entities, and have a multiplier effect on investments their communities.  

When we come together to tell our stories, anything is possible. It’s time to accelerate change and move the needle on women’s progress and equality in the U.S. and globally. WFN members and allies can join IWPR and partners all across the world virtually at the 2022 Power+ Summit from April 27–28, 2022 to help #MakeEqualHappen. 

In solidarity, 

C. Nicole Mason 

President and CEO 
Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) 

Knowledge and Research Member Bureau

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