Dear Colleagues,
What if, for about the price of your gallon of milk per week, we could change the trajectory of gender equity in the U.S.?
You’re probably not surprised that while the past few years have taken a historic toll on women and girls, a new report by WPI shows that, in the U.S., philanthropic investment remains stagnant at only 92 cents per female per week. Ninety-two cents – or less than 2% of all philanthropic support.
Doing more is not only sensible, it’s achievable, and it’s achievable now. Increasing from 2 percent to a catalytic 10 percent annual investment in women and girls equals $4.88 per person, per week. About 5 dollars a week – we can do this.
That’s why on the International Day of the Girl, we are thrilled to partner with the Women’s Philanthropy Institute to launch a brand new and necessary campaign: Give to Women and Girls Day. We are honored to be working on this new day of giving, including the United Nations Foundation, Giving Tuesday, the Ms. Foundation, Pivotal Ventures, Philanos, Philanthropy Together, Schusterman Family Philanthropies, Vital Voices, and Women Moving Millions.
I’m inspired and energized by the nearly 50,000 organizations like yours that are dedicated to women and girls and gender non-binary persons across the United States, and others around the world. You are doing vital work for gender equity from infancy to elderhood, covering a range of needs: prenatal care, education, climate and reproductive justice, access to youth sports, safe and affordable housing, gender-based violence, healthcare, breast cancer research, LGBTQ advocacy, criminal justice reform, and so many other critical areas. It thrills me to think about how much more of an impact you can make with resources that matched your efforts.
Thank you for joining us in spreading the word about Give to Women’s and Girls Day (#GiveToWomenAndGirls). A full messaging toolkit is available here for you to use, with graphics sized for social media and pre-written post ideas.
We hope these resources will help you raise the funds that women’s and girls’ organizations so deeply deserve. Because when all genders thrive, our communities and our planet thrives too.
Yours in Service,
Elizabeth Barajas-Román
Elizabeth Barajas-Román
Women’s Funding Network
President & CEO