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Protecting the Care Agenda in 2025

February 5 @ 3:00 pm EST

Please join Care for All with Respect and Equity (CARE) Fund, Economic Opportunity Funders, Tax Equity Funders Network, and Women’s Funding Network for a funder briefing on the devastating impact of federal budget and tax cuts on women, children, older adults, and people with disabilities and how the care movement is organizing to resist them.

A stated priority of the new Administration and Congress is to enact massive tax cuts disproportionately benefiting wealthy individuals and corporations. Proposals to pay for these tax cuts include substantial budget cuts and structural changes to Medicaid, Head Start, food and housing assistance, and other vital programs. These budget cuts would also shift large costs onto states, further undermining family health and income security. The impacts will cut across generations, reverse gains for women, children, older adults, people with disabilities, and workers, and hinder future federal public investments in equitable child care, paid leave, and aging and disability care.

Learn how a cross-issue, cross-generational state and federal movement is raising the voices of the families whose lives and livelihoods are at stake, and how philanthropy can engage at this moment.


Please note this program is for funders only.

Hosted by: Care for All with Respect and Equity (CARE) Fund, Economic Opportunity Funders, Tax Equity Funders Network, and Women’s Funding Network

Cosponsored by: Better Taxes for a Better America, Children, Youth & Family Funders Roundtable, Early Childhood Funders Collaborative, Grantmakers In Health, and Grantmakers for Thriving Youth


February 5
3:00 pm EST
Event Category: