Member Research Report
Women's Fund of Central Indiana released their first-ever State of Women in Central Indiana Report, which paints a picture of what it’s like to be a woman in Central Indiana with regional and statewide data on women's health, well-being, and safety.
According to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, Indiana has a “D” grade in terms of women’s well-being. This report—which examines health, workforce participation, housing, transportation, and violence—supports this assessment. The statistics in the report paint a troubling picture. Many women in the community are struggling, and intersecting factors like race, geography, and identity compound that struggle. That goes for girls, too. The Women's Fund's report comes on the heels of the 2024 Indiana Girl Report, developed by Girl Coalition of Indiana.
Communities can’t solve problems or seize opportunities if they don’t know what they are, which is why the data in this report is so crucial. With this report, decision-makers can take informed action. And it tells women: you are heard, and there is hope.